CGI – SkateboardJean-Yves Lemoigne Throughout lockdown Jean-Yves has been evolving his knowledge on 3D Scanning, showcasing how CGI and photography can juxtapose seamlessly. This series has been captured at his home in New York City. Share Jean-Yves Lemoigne Selected Projects Nike Korea Jean-Yves Lemoigne Into the Flow Jean-Yves Lemoigne Thai Boxing Jean-Yves Lemoigne Dynamic Sculptures Jean-Yves Lemoigne Tiger Jean-Yves Lemoigne Bodyscape of New York Jean-Yves Lemoigne Black Rainbow Magazine - Tennis Chronophoto Jean-Yves Lemoigne Nike Korea Jean-Yves Lemoigne Urban Ballet Jean-Yves Lemoigne American Road Trip Jean-Yves Lemoigne CGI - Divers Jean-Yves Lemoigne Instagram @JEANYVESLEMOIGNE