Made of PixelsJean-Yves Lemoigne Do you believe in digital? Made Of Pixels is an ongoing body of personal work showcasing live video projection onto bodies with no post production. Share Jean-Yves Lemoigne Selected Projects Nike Korea Jean-Yves Lemoigne Into the Flow Jean-Yves Lemoigne Thai Boxing Jean-Yves Lemoigne Dynamic Sculptures Jean-Yves Lemoigne Tiger Jean-Yves Lemoigne Bodyscape of New York Jean-Yves Lemoigne Black Rainbow Magazine - Tennis Chronophoto Jean-Yves Lemoigne Nike Korea Jean-Yves Lemoigne Urban Ballet Jean-Yves Lemoigne American Road Trip Jean-Yves Lemoigne CGI - Divers Jean-Yves Lemoigne Instagram @JEANYVESLEMOIGNE