Alexander Coggin

Apartamento x Bethan Laura Wood

The New Yorker x Les Grand Buffet

The New York Times x UK Football Leagues

GQ x Piers Morgan

The New Yorker x The Queens Funeral

Vogue Italia x Yard Sale

Financial Times HTSI x Tanlines

GQ x Bleue Burnham

The Face x Frieze

Financial Times x Fabergé

The New York Times x Gerald Stratford

Financial Times x Strawberry Ice Cream

Financial Times HTSI x Fried Chicken

Financial Times Weekend x Seltzer

Financial Times x Foulkes and Sons

The Face x DragCon

Tank Magazine x Towel Down

Berlin Art Link x Melanie Jame Wolf

The New York Times x Steve Coogan

Financial Times Weekend x Ruling the Roost

The Face x Pitch Perfect

The Face x Damsels of Destruction

Financial Times HTSI x Damien Hirst

AnOther Magazine x London Fashion Week

Financial Times x LBC

Sole Magazine x Gucci

The New York Times x The Spice Girls

Tank Magazine x House Arrest

The New Yorker x Emmanuel Macron

The Face x yuSweatlife

Financial Times Weekend x School Dinners

Financial Times x Chips

AnOther Magazine x Dover Street Market

The New York Times Magazine x The Royal Wedding

The Fall Magazine x Family Gossip

The New York Times x 48 Hours with Gigi Hadid

The New York Times x A Cherry Lover's Paradise