Dan’s Global Campaign for Mercedes-Benz B-Class.
In his own words: ‘We shot this splendid set of sun-soaked marvels in Madrid (lovely city, needs a landmark) and the Costa Del Sol last summer over two legs. Apart from being super excited at the prospect of shooting such a beast of a clever campaign, I was also initially a little daunted by the complex techniques required. As it was a brand new, unseen version of an existing car, we were not allowed to shoot the hero models on location, for fear of Jose Bloggs posting a picture on Instagram or what not and ruining the surprise. Instead we had a stand in model for the location shoots, and the real ones to shoot at a top secret, James Bond meets Only Fools and Horses mountain hideaway studio location, which came complete with 24-hour, SAS style security bods and a Ye Olde English pub. My initial trepidation was based on getting the angles, light, reflections etc exactly measured on location so that when we shot the real hero cars at the studio, we could perfectly replicate them, so that they would seamlessly drop into the location shots. But as soon as we began on day one, I realised all of that was purely logical and very straight forward. In fact, it’s a piece of cake this car photography. With the lovely production skills of Barrio, some splendid help from the Lizard Q rig, Jonas the pixel wizard of Recom Farmhouse and the charming marvels that are Antoni, the whole thing was a joy and, with my newfound knowledge and pair of 50m tape measures, I now just want to shoot loads of tasty cars.’